Monday, March 01, 2010

Rebirth of the SIM Doro Health Center

A selection of pictures from recent months. Great progress! Rob and Nancy

Doro Hospital site, Mabaan County, Upper Nile State, South Sudan Note the repaired roof of the old ward; the new Maternity Ward in the foreground

Rob Hinton oversees the foundation and pillars for Maternity Ward, 2009

The roof going up.
Bob and Liz take a good look at the inside of the Maternity Building - November '09

The bore hole drilling team hits a gusher! Water for the Health Center.

Vicki with Community Health Worker students, 2009

Lifeline for transportation and all needed supplies for the Clinic - AIM Air

Barb teaching some new tricks to a group of local 'traditional midwives', in rustic surroundings

Dr. Rob & Dr. Mike with a patient unable to wait for the completion of the OR; another sick baby

The Maternity Ward roof in place, walls going up in late November, 2009

Mid-December 2009 with windows in place... building teams working overtime to finish...

Stephanos will soon be ready to manage his own village health post

Ruins of old Doro Hospital with new 'Maternity Ward - Lab - Operating Room' January 2010